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Three Impurities  

2010-05-16 13:26:06|  分类: Health and welln |  标签: |举报 |字号 订阅

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Analytical dhamma for beginners

Three Impurities

The Blessed One said there are three kinds of impurities:

There are these three impurities; which three? The impurities of sensuality, the impurities of becoming, the impurities of ignorance. These are the three impurities.

mindful, alert,
the Buddha's disciple
discerns impurities,

how impurities

come into play,
where they cease,
and the way to their cessation.

With the cessation of impurities,

a monk
free of desires
is beyond bound.”

Itivuttaka III.7.

These three impurities are related to: Greed are indicative to Fleur / Phlegm of the lung. Hatred are indicative to bile of the liver. Ignorance are indicative to wind in the body, especially the central channel. Attachment to sweet foods lead to more phlegm. Attachment to hot, spicy or fried foods lead to more bile. Indulging in various other delicacy of foods unable to be digested lead to more wind. From these three medical conditions many diseases arise in the body.

Remedy for greed---Vipassana on Impermanence and Impurities or Anicca. Remedy for hatred---Vipassana on Loving kindness or Metta. Remedy for ignorance---Vipassana on Cause and Effect or Paticca Samuppada, and Selfless or Anatta.

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